Friday, December 9, 2011

August's Physiatrist

August is a very angry, jealous person. I can usually find the good side to everybody, but August is a little different.  The only thing that makes him happy, that satisfies him, that makes him tick, is the circus.  I think there is no treatment for August.  There is nothing that can change him.  I think the only thing that would be good  for not only him, but everybody else too, is to go on the road by himself with no animals or people alike.  I feel this is the only way to make everybody happy.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Circus Today

The circus today is not something appropriate for class conversation.  Nor is it for at home or on the street.  The circus today is all about sex, drugs, and drinking.  Pretty girls and buff guys.  Some people get a thrill out of it while others talk about how stupid it is.  Sometimes even denying that their relatives have anything to do with it.  All types of stuff today are the equivalent to the old time circus.  Stuff like concerts in the Metra, and the Superbowl.  No not all of the time are they bad things, but most of the times, yes it is. Sometimes people get so drunk they can't stand up; others start doing drugs that they never thought they would have ever touched; while some people, while under intoxication of one or both of these sometimes... well, I'll leave that up to your imagination.  None of these are appropriate conversation anywhere.  That's all thanks to how different the American culture is from back in the good old days.  Truly, I think I would rather live in that culture back then, than in our, to say the least, perverted way of life today.       

Friday, November 4, 2011

It Just Isn't Fair

I have a house
I have a car
I have a bed that keeps me warm

I have a family
I have a lot of friends
But there's just one thing I can't get out of my head

Some child in L.A.
Some woman in New York
Some man in Kentucky isn't warm.
Some people give money
Some just change the channel on TV
But there's still someone out there
Hungry, thirsty, freezing, lonely.
As I'm sitting here in my nice warm clothes
and shoes on my feet
I just can't help but think
It just isn't fair.

We are all so lucky
And we don't even know it
But it's a blessing
Just to have a change of clothes

I hope some day
That all of us will realize
That what we have isn't given, it's earned.

Some child in L.A.
Some woman in New York
Some man in Kentucky isn't warm.
Some people give money
Some just change the channel on TV
But there's still someone out there
Hungry, thirsty, freezing, lonely.
As I'm sitting here in my nice warm clothes
and shoes on my feet
I just can't help but think
It just isn't fair.

So as you lay down your head tonight
On your nice warm, fluffy pillow
Just think of how lucky you are to have that.

And some poor child is out there
In the cold of the night saying
as a tear falls down their cheek
It just isn't fair.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Shakespeare in My Pocket

Walking into the gym
Excitement filled my heart.
The lights kind of dim
I knew it from the start.
I was going to have fun
Not knowing what to expect.
My mind started to run
Looking at them, their faces exact.

Smiling I walked up to the circle
Finding my place between two people.
 I looked at Steve, his eyes looked purple
Then over to Mike, his nose like a steeple.
They both saw me, and smiled
My heart always jumped when they did.
Steve's strong voice spoke "We are starting mild
Just until you guys get the hang of it" he said.
The workshop ended soon
And we all went back to class.
I remember the whole weekend with them
Tears fill my eyes as I remember the good times.
Looking back I remember I kept the script with me always
Keeping it with me the whole time, like a memory locket.
I will forever remember and hope to see them again some day
And never forget the weekend with Shakespeare in my pocket.    

Friday, October 7, 2011

Good Guys and Bad Guys

I think that Max had a hard time picking which is good, and which is bad because they are all his friends.  Also, metaphorically because they are his feelings, and he has felt all of them, and they area each a part of his life.  Other films such as Lord of the Rings  portray the bad guys as faceless, emotionless, inhuman characters like demons.  Unlike the good guys which are more like Kings and Gods.  So in result the viewers have no question which is good and which is bad because you can tell the difference just by looking at them.  The wild things are not like this though.  They are more alike.  The real difference between the wild things is their voices.  You can tell the difference between the good emotions and the not so good emotions by hearing them talk.  Personally I like the way the author of Lord of the Rings portrayed the good, and bad guys other than the way the author of the wild things did.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Favorite Children's Story

When I was growing up I use to love The King and The Pegasus.  The story is about an English  king whom everybody loved, but then one day an evil witch cast an evil spell over the good King's land.  The only way to restore his kingdom was to ride across a vast mountain range into forbidden land, and destroy the witch.  He looked, and looked for a horse that could make the hard, and nearly impossible journey, but the good King could not find such horse in his land.  So, he would have to walk the entire way a foot.  He had walked so far he didn't think that he could walk one more step.  Just then a big, beautiful, black, Pegasus, named Attean, with big iron feet, and an even bigger heart showed up. Attean told the good King that he would carry him the rest of the journey and back again.  Also, he had special powers that could defeat the evil witch.  So Attean and the good King went the rest of the journey together.  When they got to the castle where the witch lived,  Attean turned invisible and they flew right into her castle.  Attean conquered the witch by turning her into a fat bullfrog and locking her in her dungeon, where the good King's father died because he was captured by the witch.  So, Attean kept his word by taking the good King back to his kingdom.  Now the forest that they had to go through to get there was so thick that you could barely see the sky, and the path was very narrow.  So Attean could not fly in it.  He also could not fly over it because the trees were so tall that by the time he could reach the top the air was too thin to breathe.  So Attean had to walk through the forest.  On their way home, the road was blocked by a rock slide.  There was only one way through, and that was to go up the steepest part of the mountain.   So, Attean turned to the good King and asked him to trust him.  The good King said okay, and Attean started up the mountain side.  The good King thought surly they would both die.  But Attean reached the top, and took the good King home.  Everyone in the Kingdom greeted them with cookies, and coffee.  Then the good King turned to Attean and said "You have kept your word, and brought me home safely.  I now trust you with my life.  Will you please stay and live in my Kingdom?"  Attean replied "King you are one of the greatest Kings to ever rule these lands.  I was sent to you from your father to teach you one thing:  Only when you believe something can be done, can it be done, but if you believe everything is impossible, that is when nothing can ever be done.  I was a temporary gift from your father, and now I must return to him.  Your father and I will always be there for you if you are ever in need.  We are always watching."  Then Attean flew away, and was gone just as fast as he had come.  The good King smiled and as Attean flew away, up towards the heavens, and said "I will miss you Attean, and some day, I will join you, and my father forever... but not yet my friend, not yet."     

Friday, September 16, 2011

Paul's Psychologist

Paul is a very different person when it comes to figuring him out.  He loves to drink, party, and have fun, but he takes fly fishing very seriously , and dos not allow his "fun life style" to get in his way.  He is an overall confused individual, and that is the reason, I think,  he drinks.   Not to mention that he has to deal with a lot of stress in his life as a reporter.  So I believe that I understand him he has just taken the drinking too far.  Unlike fly fishing. I think that fly fishing is his art, his expertise.  Fly fishing is what makes him tick.  He is a very polite, and understanding young man, but he has some problems or troubles, if you will, that he needs to get sorted out before he can turn his life around.  He likes to take risks, and go for it all, thus the reason he gambles.  I am prescribing him one year in remote Melville Montana to relax, fly fish, and do some other things on the ranch as well.  He will not be allowed to leave the ranch and the closest town is thirty miles south.  All of his supplies will be provided for.  This I believe will help Paul in his drinking, his gambling, and it will give him the chance to find himself.     

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jolly Rancher: In twenty years I will be...

In twenty years I will be the same as I am now but older.

In twenty years I will be a wife, mother, and still all around cowgirl.

In twenty years I will have a life and house of my own.

In twenty years I will look back and see how far I came, but then look a head and see how far I have to come.

In twenty years I want too look back and say "why were you so stupid", then look a head and say "never again".

In twenty years I will know the difference between what was wrong then and what is right now.

In twenty years I know who I will be because I know who I am now.

Not much will change in twenty years just the outside things around me, but the inside will forever remain the same.

Nothing will change in twenty years, just life.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fear's Words

Do you remember that day?  The one when you and I were about to go in the water?  The Sweet Grass River was measured at 4 1/2ft deep, and you wanted to cross it with your horse.  Neither of you really wanted to go in the water in the first place, which is how I got you in the first place.  If only you would have just trusted him.  There would be no reason at all for me to remind you of those dreadful few moments for you, and those successful few moments for me.  Do you remember me being with you as Doc took that first step into the water?  Because I was there.  You know I was .  Then when the water got deeper, and deeper.  Past Doc's knee, past his shoulder, then your stirrup, and up your pant leg.  That's when I really got a hold on your mind and I was the one to make you turn around, head back for shore.  I was also deeply consumed in you little cousins mind too.  Do you remember his face when you came back to shore, and were wet up to your knee?  Pure white.  I did that.  Nothing can take the place of me inside of you or anyone else's mind.  It was me that day.  Don't you forget that.  Don't you worry; I'll keep reminding you just in case you try to forget.  Do you remember the words that I put in your head that last long step that Doc took into the water?  I'll remind you:  "You might not make it out of this river".  Remember that that was me doing that to you and nothing else, and don't you EVER forget.